clean up code

This commit is contained in:
Robert Einsle 2017-02-11 10:53:46 +01:00
parent 0f6805ea4e
commit 2f14ecce7e

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from datetime import datetime
#import models
def get_prize_for(start, end, pph=0):
@ -15,40 +14,3 @@ def get_prize_for(start, end, pph=0):
time = (end - start).seconds
prize = round((pps * time), 1)
return prize
def process_location_data():
#data = models.LocationData.objects.filter(processed=False)
#for ld in data:
# cli = models.Client.objects.filter(uuid=ld.client_id)
# if cli.count() < 1:
# ld.processed = True
# ld.error_msg = 'No location object found. Stopp processing!'
# # TODO Send error eMail to Admin
# else:
# cli = cli[0]
# ac = models.Accounting.objects.filter(client=cli, desk_no=ld.table_no).order_by('time_from').reverse()
# if ld.on_off:
# if ac.count() > 0 and ac[0].time_to is None:
# ac[0].time_to =
# ac[0].save()
# # TODO Send error eMail to Admin
# acc = models.Accounting(
# client=cli,
# desk_no=ld.table_no,
# time_from=ld.tst,
# )
# ld.delete()
# else:
# acc = ac[0]
# acc.time_to = ld.tst
# acc.prize = get_prize_for(
# start=acc.time_from,
# end=ld.tst,
# pph=cli.desk1_prize_ht
# )
# ld.delete()